The rich history of Texas and Baptist educational enterprises extends back to the days of the early Republic. In the mid-1800's, this region of the state was known as the Wild Horse Desert. One-hundred years later, in deep south Texas, when this Texas Baptist educational center was founded in 1947, agriculture and commerce began to change the landscape forever.
The rich history of Texas and Baptist educational enterprises extends back to the days of the early Republic. In the mid-1800's, this region of the state was known as the Wild Horse Desert. One-hundred years later, in deep south Texas, when this Texas Baptist educational center was founded in 1947, agriculture and commerce began to change the landscape forever. Many changes have taken place in the world since that day in September in 1947 when Valley Baptist Academy first opened it's doors. Today, known as Valley Baptist Missions Education Center, the 90-acre campus sits in the center of a region of Texas populated by over two million people from around the world.
As a private Christian school and then as a missions training center, several thousand students and missions groups have been served through this Texas Baptist institution founded on the principles of predominately educating and ministering to the Hispanic community. As a school, students were trained for leadership in Christian work. Students from South Texas, Mexico, Central and South America were sent or recommended to this institution by pastors and support ive laypersons interested in advancing the cause of Christ. Today, Spanish-speaking populations blanket many parts of the world as well as our own country.
Theological studies, leadership, and pastoral skills training have equipped many graduates of VBA and students at VBMEC since 1947. While enrolled, students of the Academy were also immersed in English as a second language and gained fluency in English in short periods of time. Emerging from studies and opportunities to strengthen one's Christ-sharing faith in two languages while here, many graduates went on to become business professionals, pastors, attorneys, homemakers, and medical professionals. Today, alumni of these halls now share Christ across much of this continent.
Scores of men and women have sacrificially served here from across the state as educators, board members, and staff. Most noteworthy of staff was Dr. Howard E. Gary, President of VBA, who served for 32 years. Under his outstanding leadership, this campus and educational enterprise experienced robust growth. Alongside a small number of short term presidencies was the beloved Dr. Robert E. Smith who served in critical times for the institution. As retired Director of Missions for the Rio Grande Valley Association, he served for over 7 years.
Just as early pioneer to Texas, John Cartwright Dunn, Jr. implored Rufus Burleson, first president of Baylor University to come to Texas when Texas was just a wilderness, the staff and board of Valley Baptist Missions Education Center invite and implore persons interested in exciting and life-changing missions opportunities and training to come to this Center and be part of a great movement of Christ in this diverse region of the state.
Come as student of the Great Commission, as pastor seeking enrichment and training, as missions volunteer, or educator as the new leadership of Valley Baptist Education Center develops opportunities of service and education certain to extend in influence for Christ around the world.